Are you looking for a church? Planning to visit? We hope that the following information will answer many of your questions and address some of your concerns. Please feel free to contact us if you need more information at (620) 662-5642 or email us at office@orlhutch.org.

What to Expect Sunday Mornings

Service Times are at 8:30 & 11:00 AM with Education Hour at 9:45 AM

DRESS CODE: Some members dress up and others wear jeans; please come as you feel comfortable!

ARRIVAL: Other than the back row (which is reserved for families with small children) there are no reserved seats in the sanctuary, so sit wherever you like! After choosing your seat, look in the pew rack in front of you where you will find:

  • A Friendship Register. Please fill this out with your information so we can get in touch! There is also a brochure about ORL and different envelopes for designated offerings.

  • A laminated card that explains the meaning of the elements of the liturgical service.

  • A maroon colored "Lutheran Service Book" AKA the hymnal.


  • During church the service is displayed on a projector screen or, if you prefer, the order of service is printed in your bulletin that you can use to follow the liturgy in the hymnal.

  • The majority of our hymns come from the “Lutheran Service Book” and are sung accompanied by the organ.

  • Just before the start of the service, the Pastors will enter, greet the congregation, make any special announcements, and then begin the service following the order of the liturgy in your bulletin.


We welcome to receive Holy Communion with us those who are united with us, believe, and confess the teachings of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod that our Lord’s body and blood are truly present in this sacrament, together with the bread and wine for the forgivness of our sins (Matt. 26:26-38 and 1 Cor. 10:16). So, we ask you to examine yourselves and repent of your sins - intending to do better with the help of God (Acts 3:19, 1 Cor. 11:2-29); trust in Christ alone for your salvation (Acts 16:31); and have faith in Jesus’ words, “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matt. 26:28)

Those not communing are invited to come forward, cross your body with your arms and receive a blessing. Please bring children forward for a special blessing.

Ultimately, we desire to have you join us in fellowship and our confession of faith so, please consider attending our new member classes.

The wine in purple cups is alcohol-free, suitable for those with health concerns. If you need gluten-free wafers, please alert an usher before service begins.

If you are communing:

  • The ushers will let you know when it is your row's turn.

  • When motioned by the Pastor to do so, everyone will kneel together at the Communion rail (or stand if you're unable to kneel).

  • Holy Communion is celebrated with wafers and your choice of individual cups of wine, or taking from a common chalice. Individual cups of non-alcoholic wine (light pink colored) are available for those with health concerns. Extend your hand to receive the wafer and, when finished, deposit your cup with the acolyte as you return to your pew.

  • If you wish to take communion but are unable to walk to the front of the church, just notify an usher, and the Pastor will serve communion to you where you are seated.

  • Those not receiving communion, including small children, are encouraged to come forward for a special blessing. You may also remain in your seat if you wish.

  • Those who are not Lutheran or who have personal concerns or questions are asked to discuss them with the Pastor before the service.

OFFERING: We feel that the offering is an opportunity for us to give back to God what He has blessed us with. Guests are welcome to participate, but should not feel obligated.

CHILDREN: Children are always welcome! We want families to worship together. We have a activity bag for children located in the back of the church which includes quiet games and coloring pages for your children during the church service.  After the service you may return the bags so that others can use them at the next service. If you need to take your child out of the sanctuary during the service, you can continue to hear the service in the narthex or have them visit our staffed nursery! If you have any questions, please ask an usher!

EDUCATION HOUR: After the 8:30 AM service (about 9:45 AM) coffee, tea, and donuts are served in the Fellowship Hall (west of the Sanctuary). This continues into our Educational hour until 10:45 AM which includes children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Studies. For more information on Education Hour click here!