Meet Our Redeemer’s Comfort Dog, Asher!

Asher came to ORL in August 2022 when he was 8 weeks old. Asher is a standard poodle and lives with his primary handler, Doug. He is currently training to be a comfort and therapy dog and will serve in many ways in our church and community as he matures and learns more.

Church members interested in being involved with our Comfort Dog Ministry can contact Doug Murphy or Emily Schwartzkopf through the church or email

Some ways you can get involved would be to take Asher out for social community events, training classes, or just have him over to your home or workplace for a few hours or overnight stays even! 

If you would like Asher to come to your event or if you would just like a visit contact Emily at (620)474-6281.

You can see Asher on Sundays in the 11:00 am worship service, Wednesdays during the school year at Youth Club, and other special events held at the church. 

ORL Comfort Dog Ministry 

Qualities that make standard poodles a good comfort dog:

  • Good disposition 

  • Smart

  • Loving

  • Hypoallergenic 

  • Long life span 12-15 yrs

  • Healthier breed with few health concerns

Benefits of having a comfort dog:

  • Excellent outreach ministry 

  • Boosts confidence in students

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Brings people together

  • Builds relationships 

  • Helps with grief 

Potential comfort dog jobs:

  • Nursing home visits 

  • Hospital visits

  • Reading to Rover at Public Library

  • ELC visits

  • Visit shut-ins

  • Hospice house visits

  • Comfort for grieving loved ones 

  • Get our name out in the community 

  • Parades

  • Camp Hope (camp for kids with cancer)